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"A DANGEROUS GAME THAT NEVER ENDS" with thriller and sci-fi Author, Sara Louisa.

Thu, Sep 16


This week is a celebration week for women's thriller and science fiction author, Sara Louisa. Sara is one of my favorite clients and this week she is relaunching her amazing novel, JUST DRIVE.

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"A DANGEROUS GAME THAT NEVER ENDS" with thriller and sci-fi  Author, Sara Louisa.
"A DANGEROUS GAME THAT NEVER ENDS" with thriller and sci-fi  Author, Sara Louisa.

Time & Location

Sep 16, 2021, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PDT

About the event

This week is a celebration week for women's thriller and science fiction author, Sara Louisa.

Sara Louisa is one of my favorite clients and this week she is relaunching her amazing novel, JUST DRIVE

Just Drive is a fantastic book with brilliant reviews and now it has a stunning new look and an epic trailer. 

Plus, Sarah louisa is doing some amazing giveaways to celebrate, so, jump on to her Facebook author page to find out more!!!!

Sara Louisa's Bio:

Sara Louisa is a Canadian author, with three works self-published, her first being a romantic thriller/suspense called Just Drive. Recently, the first two books of her sci-fi-fantasy series were released: Liv The Beginning, and The Awakening.

While living a secluded country life raising four children and caring for horses, writing became a passion for Sara. Making the hard decision to move to the city and start a successful catering company became a busy part of her life. Once settled, Sara began writing again and was able to publish Just Drive as her debut novel in June 2020.


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